March 4th, 2015

The 24th IIMA International Financial Symposium
“The Global Economy
- Is the World Really Ready for Normalization of the US Monetary Policy? -”



Moderator Toyoo Gyohten
President, Institute for International Monetary Affairs
Opening Remarks Muneo Kurauchi
Managing Director, Institute for International Monetary Affairs
Click here for the presentation slides) (Click here for the speech text)

Panelists(In alphabetical order)

 Jacob A. Frenkel
Chairman, JP Morgan Chase International

(Click here for the presentation slides)

Klaus Regling
Professor and Director,
Managing Director, The European Stability Mechanism

(Click here for the speech text)

Clifford C. H. Tan
East Asian Head of Global Markets Research,
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

(Click here for the speech text)

Adair Turner
Senior Fellow, Institute for New Economic Thinking and
Ex-Chairman of UK Financial Services Authority

(Click here for the presentation slides) (Click here for the speech text)

Tatsuo Yamasaki
Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs,
Ministry of Finance, Japan

※To see the program of this symposium, please click here.

※ The contents of this symposium were published as Occasional Paper No.30 on this website.