October 11, 2012

The IIMA International Financial Seminar
“The Internationalization of the Renminbi and Future of the Tokyo Financial Market”


Opening Remarks

Yoshihiro Watanabe
  Managing Director, Institute for International Monetary Affairs

Keynote Speeches

Eddie Yue
  Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Tatsuo Yamasaki
  Director-General of International Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan
(Speech text Japanese only)

Presentation & Discussion


Gao Haihong
  Senior Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics,
  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
(Speech text English / Japanese)

Shunichiro Totsuka
  General Manager, Global Markets & Trading Division,
  Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ


Yosuke Tsuyuguchi
  Senior Advisory Officer, International Business
  Solution Division, Shinkin Central Bank
(Speech text Japanese only)



Tomoyoshi Uranishi
  Senior Executive Officer, Tokyo Stock Exchange Group(Speech text Japanese only)



Eiichi Yoshikawa
  President, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (China)

Closing Remarks

Takashi Morisaki
  Senior Managing Director, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ