Event Information

On March 3, 2025 (Monday), commemorating our 30th anniversary  we will hold our 33rd Intenational Financial Symposium "held a virtual event "Fragmenting Global Economy: Achievements, Challenges, and What Lies Ahead?". Click here to register.

Research and Analysis

Research and analysis are the core of IIMA’s activities.

We research on macroeconomic issues such as the international economy and international finance, and more recently, on advanced issues such as climate change, digitalization, geopolitical risks, and emerging countries.

Our activities include, (1) research and analyses conducted at our own initiative on timely topics, the outcomes of which are released in the form of International Economic and Financial Review, IIMA Report, and IIMA Commentary, (2) those commissioned by the government authorities and public and private financial institutions, and (3) collaborative studies and group sessions with other research institutions, both at home and abroad. All of these constitute very important pillars in the IIMA’ s research and analysis activities.

The outcomes of the research and analysis are released through a variety of media, including our website, for the purpose of public use. Through these activities, we wish to contribute to the stability and sound development of the economy and society.

To conduct such research and analysis, the IIMA employs competent staff members with ample experience in international financial business and financial markets, assisted also by numerous visiting researchers who are either experts in teaching international finance at universities or experienced specialists in international business activities, thus enabling us to address various themes in international economies.


The specific topics recently featured include the following:

(1) Prospects for the following global issues and their impact on the world economy, financial markets, policies, and institutions

   i.   Sustainability, particularly climate change

   ii.  Digitalization and financial inclusion

   iii. Russia-Ukraine conflict and sanctions

   iv. Inflation and exit strategies

(2) Financial and economic conditions and risk assessment in emerging countries