Event Information

On March 3, 2025 (Monday), commemorating our 30th anniversary  we will hold our 33rd Intenational Financial Symposium "held a virtual event "Fragmenting Global Economy: Achievements, Challenges, and What Lies Ahead?". Click here to register.


President Watanabe meets Japan Prime Minister Abe as a member of T20 Japan delegation


T20 Japan 2019: Think20 (T20) Japan is a policy research group of the G20. “T20 Summit 2019” was held in Tokyo on May 26th and 27th, and published a communiqué incorporating innovative policy proposals toward the G20.
〔T20 Summit 2019 COMMUNIQUE〕

IIMA has been in charge of “Task Force (TF) 2: International Financial Architecture for Stability and Development / Crypto-Assets and Fintech” among the 10 task forces. TF 2 created the following 15 Policy Briefs, and made recommendation to the G20.
〔Details of Task Force2(TF2)〕

■Title of Each Policy Brief

1. Capital Flows and International Finacial Architecture
2. Turning Sustainable Finance into Mainstream Finance
3. Regulation of Crypto-asset Exchanges and the Necessity of International Cooperation
4. Strengthening the International Monetary Fund for Stability and Sustainable Development
5. Monetary policy and Financial System Resilience
6. The Macroprudential Policy Framework Needs to Be Global
7. Designing a Governance Framework for the Global Financial Systems – Regulations and Promotion
8. Fintech and Distributed Ledger Technology: Issues and Challenges Beyond Crypto Assets


Forming a Cohesive Fintech Agenda for the G20


Review of Fintech Strategies for Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa
11. Forming a G20 Fintech Association Forum to Broker International Partnerships Promoting Financial Inclusion in Developing and Emerging Economies
12. Central Banks and the G20 Agenda: Ensuring Policy Coherence
13. Mind the Gap: Making Basel Standards Work for Developing Countries
14. Mainstreaming Natural Capital Valuation
15. Expanding Data Collection to Streamline MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise) Lending
