Event Information

On March 3, 2025 (Monday), commemorating our 30th anniversary  we will hold our 33rd Intenational Financial Symposium "held a virtual event "Fragmenting Global Economy: Achievements, Challenges, and What Lies Ahead?". Click here to register.


1. Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia

“Toward Greater Financial Stability in the Asian Region: Exploring Ste/ps to Create Regional Monetary Units (RMUs)”
IIMA was commissioned by ASEAN Secretariat for the research on the Regional Currency Units (RMUs). We analyzed the possibilities of using RMUs for the surveillance purpose as well as encouraging both public and private use and made policy recommendation to promote its actual usage. With cooperation of other research institutes in Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia and Korea, we acted as a lead institute publishing the final report.

“Financial Cooperation for the Regional Exchange Rate Stability and Prevention of Monetary Crisis in East Asia”
Under framework of the Network of East Asian Think-tanks (NEAT), which provides policy recommendations to the ASEAN+3 leaders, we set up a working group on the above subject. In June 2006, IIMA held a workshop inviting researchers from think-tanks in ASEAN+3 nations and produced a policy recommendation report, which was adopted at the NEAT Country Coordinators’ Meeting held in Kuala Lumpur in Sept. 2006.

“Foreign Exchange Settlement Risk Management in ASEAN+3 regions”
IIMA examined the problems and pictured future development of security and cash settlement systems in East Asia. By holding international workshops, we had an external presentation and opinion exchange.

2.Technical Assistance on Fostering Asian Bond Markets

“Technical Assistance to Vietnam on the Development of the Vietnam Securities Depository's Functions in Vietnamese Government Bond Market“
IIMA continued to provide technical assistance to the development of Vietnamese government bond market which will be the core of the capital market system in Vietnam. We studied to provide assistance for the functional enhancement of Vietnam Securities Depository upon government bond issuance as well as improvement of the linkage between government bond market and financial market.

3. Research on Central and Eastern European Countries

“Research Group on Central and Eastern European Countries”
Focusing on the eight countries in Central and Eastern Europe that joined the EU in May 2004, we held research meetings to comprehend present challenges and forecast their future economic development. We finalized the discussion and published a report paper.

4. Research on Banking Sectors and Monetary Markets of Various Countries

“Research on the General Scheme of African Regional Development Banks”
IIMA produced a summary of the general scheme of five African regional development banks. By analyzing their roles in relation with the business communities of the region, we produced a basic material which would be beneficial when providing support to African economies in cooperation with these institutions.

“Research on Financial Sectors in Six Member Countries of Gulf Cooperation Council” IIMA conducted a research and analysis on the actual condition of financial sectors and financial markets of the six member countries of GCC (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar).

“Research on Debt Sustainability Framework Conducted by International Donors”
We conducted a research on the Debt Sustainability Framework by the World Bank and the IMF, and the approaches and support systems to the framework by France and Germany.

“Research on Financial Market in South African Republic”
We overviewed the present condition of the financial sector, indirect monetary markets and capital markets in South African Republic. Comprehending the market’s characteristics, we analyzed the future development of financial businesses of the country.

5. International Conference “AGING EAST ASIA : Policy Responses and Regional Cooperation”

We assisted in holding an international conference on “AGING EAST ASIA : Policy Responses and Regional Cooperation” that was co-hosted by Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance and ADBI. In the conference, researchers from academe and think-tanks discussed the actual condition and problems to be solved in East Asia region, and looked for regional cooperation and policy measures.