Event Information

For the fiscal year 2025, we will hold several events aligned with the annual theme, "The Turbulent Global Situation and the Future of the Japanese Economy and the Yen." 


2001.10.24 IIMA Report "Waves of Globalization, How Japan and Australia Should Respond"(Toyoo Gyohten)
2001.10.15 IIMA Report "The Role of the U.S. in the Interdependent World"-Advice to Americans-(Toyoo Gyohten)
2001.9.30 International Economic and Financial Review Japan and Asian Regional Economic Integration(Cornelis Keijzer)
2001.8.29 IIMA Report "Structural reforms must be carried out resolutely" (Toyoo Gyohten)
2001.5.7 IIMA Report "Only CEOs can save the economy"(Toyoo Gyohten)
2001.4.5 IIMA Report "Japan Needs the Theory of Reform" (Toyoo Gyohten)
2001.1.4 IIMA Report "Dark Clouds Shrouding World Economy" (Toyoo Gyohten)