Event Information

On March 3, 2025 (Monday), commemorating our 30th anniversary  we will hold our 33rd Intenational Financial Symposium "held a virtual event "Fragmenting Global Economy: Achievements, Challenges, and What Lies Ahead?". Click here to register.


Visit from Mr. Joly Dixon, Director, International Affairs in the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission

 On December 18th, 2000, Mr. Joly Dixon, Director, International affairs in the Directorate General for Economic and financial Affairs, European Commission, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Regional Cooperation in Europe and possible lessons for Asia".

Visit from Mr. Kazuo Ueda, Member of the Policy Board, Bank of Japan

On December 6th, 2000, Mr. Kazuo Ueda, Member of the Policy Board, Bank of Japan, visited us and delivered a speech entitled "Recent Issues on the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy".

Visit from Dr. Robert A. Mundell, Professor of Economics, Columbia University

 On November 20th, 2000, Dr. Robert A. Mundell, Professor of Economics, Columbia University, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Does Asia Need a Common Currency?".

Visit from Mr. W. Bowman Cutter, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus

 On October 31st, 2000, Mr. W. Bowman Cutter, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Presidential Election and its Implications on the US-Japan Relationship".

Visit from Mr. P. R. Narvekar, Former Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

 On October 20th, 2000, Mr. P. R. Narvekar, Former Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, visited us and delivered a speech entitled "What is happening in Asia-some selected aspects".

Visit from Mr. Masamoto Yashiro, Chairman and CEO, Shinsei Bank, Ltd.

On September 12th, 2000, Mr. Masamoto Yashiro, Chairman and CEO, Shinsei Bank, Ltd., visited us and delivered a speech entitled "First six months of Sinsei Bank".

Visit from Dr. C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International Economics

 On September 27th, 2000, Dr. C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International Economics, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Economic Relations between the United States and Japan".

Visit from Mr. Adam S. Posen, Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics

On September 25th, 2000, Mr. Adam S. Posen, Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Dollarization and Currency Blocs".

Visit from Mr. Christian Sautter, Former Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, France

 On July 4th, 2000 Mr. Christian Sautter, Former Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, France visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Recent Economic Situation in Europe".

Visit from Mr. Takatoshi Kato, Advisor to the President, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.

On June 12th, 2000, Mr. Takatoshi Kato, Advisor to the President, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. visited us and delivered a speech entitled " G7's Exchange Rate Policy and Japan".

Visit from Mr. Petar Andonov, Ambassador, Republic of Bulgaria

 On May 22nd, 2000, Mr. Petar Andonov, Ambassador, Republic of Bulgaria, visited us, and delivered a speech entitled " Currency Board and EMU- a Bulgarian Perspective ".

Visit from Mr. Kyosuke Shinozawa, Deputy Governor and Managing Director, Japan Bank for International Cooperation

 On May 15th, 2000, Mr. Kyosuke Shinozawa, Deputy Governor and Managing Director, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Revitalization of Asian economy and the role of Japan Bank for International Cooperation ".

Visit from Mr. Toru Kusukawa, Senior Councilor, Fuji Research Institute Corp.

 On April 13th, 2000, Mr. Toru Kusukawa, Senior Councilor, Fuji Research Institute Corp., visited us and delivered a speech entitled "Activities of Financial Architecture Task Force at ABAC.(APEC Business Advisory Council) ".

Visit from Mr. Brian Quinn, Chairman, Nomura Bank International plc

 On March 17th, 2000, Mr. Brian Quinn, Chairman, Nomura Bank International plc, visited us, and delivered a speech entitled " The Economic Situation and Outlook in Europe ".

Visit from Prof. Dr. Jacob. J. Van Duijn, Chief Investment Officer

 On March 13th, 2000, Prof. Dr. Jacob. J. Van Duijn, Chief Investment Officer, Member of the Group Executive Committee, Robeco Group, visited us, and delivered a speech entitled "Our World Economic Outlook and How We Position Ourselves as Global Equity and Bond Managers".

Visit from Dr. Ryutaro Komiya, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

 On February 7th, 2000, Dr. Ryutaro Komiya, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market and Monetary Policy ".

Visit from Dr. Pedro Solbes Mira, Member of the European Commission

 On January 21th, 2000, Dr. Pedro Solbes Mira, Member of the European Commission, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Economic Effects of the Enlargement and its Impact on the cohesion of the European Union ".

Visit from Mr. Charles H. Dallara, Managing Director, Institute of International Finance

 On January 17th, 2000, Mr. Charles H. Dallara, Managing Director, Institute of International Finance, visited us and delivered a speech entitled " Revitalization of Asia and Strengthening of International Financial System ".