Event Information

On March 3, 2025 (Monday), commemorating our 30th anniversary  we will hold our 33rd Intenational Financial Symposium "held a virtual event "Fragmenting Global Economy: Achievements, Challenges, and What Lies Ahead?". Click here to register.


IIMA conducted Bond Market Development Seminar at Arab Monetary Fund, Abu Dhabi

From December 20 till 23, 2015, a Bond Market Development Seminar was held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, under the joint auspices of the Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) and JICA. 27 finance ministry and central bank officials from 15 AMF member Arab countries participated in the seminar. The joint seminar was organized under the Memorandum of Understanding concluded in August 2014 between AMF and JICA to enhance JICA’s capacity development cooperation to Arab financial sector. Lecturers were sent from IIMA and from BTMU Dubai Branch.
The participants had a broader interest in the development of financial markets and discussions, in addition to bond markets, expanded to various themes such as SME finance and Basel 3.
※One of the Lecture Materials

IIMA held a seminar titled “Globally Progressing IoT - It’s Efforts toward the New Industrial Revolution and it’s Future in Japan”.

 On December 9th 2015 IIMA invited Mr. Kurando Ogi of the Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd to present a seminar titled “Globally Progressing IoT – It’s Efforts toward the New Industrial Revolution and it’s Future in Japan”. Because the seminar was about the overall picture on how the internet could bring about an industrial revolution, a subject in which interest are growing rapidly recently, there were attendees from all kinds of fields. All were listening eagerly to Mr. Ogi’s presentation. The Q&A session afterwards was active as well.

IIMA held a seminar titled “Japan: What do Foreign Investors worry about?”.

 On October 28th 2015 IIMA held a seminar titled “Japan: What do foreign investors worry about?” and invited Mr. Scott Seaman Senior Analyst of Eurasia Group, a leading U.S. global political risk research and consulting firm as the speaker. Dr. Seamen spoke about the “Four Arrows” of Abenomics and explained about the current situation and what was to come of Japan. During the Q&A session not only questions were asked but there were active exchanges of opinions and ideas.

IIMA conducted JICA’s Co-creation Program: Strengthening of Project Value Chain for Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in SADC Countries

 As a training course under Japan International Cooperation Agency’s ODA technical assistance, the IIMA in association with Japan International Cooperation Center conducted a course from October 26 to November 11, with 15 participants who are senior managers of the DFIs of twelve countries of the Southern African Development Community. Lectures were given by university professors, senior authorities of banks and senior economists of think tanks including the IIMA. The participants are expected to apply the lessons learned to the enhancement of the management capability of their home countries’ DFIs.
One of the Lecture Materials (English).

IIMA conducted JICA’s Co-creation Program: Bond Market Development in ASEAN Countries(Ⅱ)

 As a training course under Japan International Cooperation Agency’s ODA technical assistance, the IIMA in association with Japan International Cooperation Center conducted a two week course from September 28 to October 9, with 13 participants from the relevant authorities in four countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV). The lecturers were, aside from the IIMA staff, from Ministry of Finance, Financial Services Agency, Teikyo University, The University of Tokyo, Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd., and the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. The CLMV participants are expected to apply the lessons learned in their bond market development policies.

Special Lecture at Bunkyo Gakuin University

On September 12th 2015, IIMA cosponsored a special lecture sponsored by the Bunkyo Gakuin University’s Faculty of Business Administration titled “How to think about AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)”.
In this lecture Research Professor Masahiro Kawai of the Graduate School of Public Policy clearly explained the circumstances to the establishment of AIIB, its function, its structure, etc. and, together with his own past experience, on how Japan should act from now on. At the end of the lecture he compared the merits and demerits of Japan in joining AIIB and raised several points of what Japan should do, such as clearly mentioning what kind of vision Japan would be aiming for. There were a lot of Q&A’s and it was fulfilling lecture which lasted close to two hours.

The IIMA held a seminar on“China’s Exchange Rate and Financial Repression: A Conflicting Emergence of the Renminbi as an International Currency”

On June 16, 2015 we held a seminar titled “China’s Exchange Rate and Financial Repression: A Conflicting Emergence of the Renminbi as an International Currency”, which was presented by Professor Gunther Schnabl of Leipzig University, Germany. We had a variety of audience from the Ministry of Finance, Bank of Japan, Diplomats and central banks’ representatives in Tokyo, academics and media, and after an hour’s lecture by Dr Schnabl. Hot discussions were exchanged among the participants on various themes such as Japan’s experience in currency internationalization, US-Japan trade conflicts, China’s financial problems, China-US conflicts, etc.


    ※The contents of this seminar were published as Occasional Paper No.29 on this website.

IIMA conducts Bond Market Seminar in Algeria

On May 18 and 19, 2015, a Bond Market Seminar was held in Algiers under the joint auspices of Algeria’s Ministry of Finance, Securities Commission, and JICA. About sixty officials from the financial sector, both public and private, participated in the seminar. JICA and IIMA organized the seminar after JICA received a request from the Algerian side for such an event. Lecturers were sent from IIMA and from BTMU Dubai Branch.

  H.E. Finance Minister Mr. Benkhalfa (center)
  and Japanese Ambassador Mr. Fujiwara (left)




    ※One of the Lecture Materials (English).

Dr. Rajat Kathuria from India visited the IIMA

On March 10, 2015, the IIMA had a visit of Dr. Rajat Kathuria, Director and Chief Executive at Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). Together with bankers, scholars and economists from private sectors and government officials, we had a straightforward and in-depth discussion on the current economic policies and reforms of India under Modi administration. As an advisor to the government, Dr. Kathuria’s presentation and energetic way of talking seemed to reflect directly the current positive atmosphere for the capable government. Japanese participants raised questions such as risks of potential hike of oil prices and obstacles of the “Made in India” strategy of the Indian manufacturing industry, which showed a rising interest in India among the Japanese.



The IIMA held a seminar on “Outlook of the Japanese Economy and Politics after the Election”

On January 13, 2015, the IIMA organized a seminar titled the “Outlook of the Japanese Economy and Politics after the Election”, inviting participants from foreign embassies in Japan and other institution. Mr. Mitsuhiro Furusawa, former Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, currently, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance and also Advisor to the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, made a 40 minute presentation, followed by an active question and answer session. This showed participant’s very high interest in the future of the Japanese economy and Abenomics. At the end of the seminar there was a small party amongst the participants and members of the IIMA with wine glasses in everyone’s hand.