Event Information

On March 3, 2025 (Monday), commemorating our 30th anniversary  we will hold our 33rd Intenational Financial Symposium "held a virtual event "Fragmenting Global Economy: Achievements, Challenges, and What Lies Ahead?". Click here to register.


The IIMA conducts JICA’s Training Course: Bond Market Development in ASEAN Countries

As a training course under Japan International Cooperation Agency’s ODA technical assistance, the IIMA conducted a two week course in October “Bond Market Development in ASEAN Countries” with 9 officials from the relevant authorities in four countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, in short CLMV. The lecturers were, aside from The IIMA staff, from Ministry of Finance, Bank of Japan, the University of Tokyo, Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research, and the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. The CLMV participants are expected to apply the lessons learned in their bond market development policies.

Visit of Dr. Wei Jianing of the Development Research Center (DRC), China

On October 7, 2014, the IIMA had a visit of Dr. Wei Jianing, vice director and professor of macroeconomic department of the Development Research Center (DRC), China and its 3 other economists. We exchanged views on China’s environmental issues and structural reforms. We also agreed on further cooperation between the two institutions in research activities.

Economists from China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) visited the IIMA

On September 25, the IIMA had a visit of 5 economists from Institute of World Economic Studies and Institute for Japan Studies of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR). We exchanged frank views, among others, about China’s foreign exchange reserves and internationalization of the RMB, referring to the Japanese experiences.

Mr. Yoshihiro Watanabe, the Advisor of the IIMA, participated in ASIA-PACIFIC FINANCIAL FORUM (APFF) symposium in Seattle in July 2014

Mr. Yoshihiro Watanabe, the advisor of IIMA, participated in Asia-Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) symposium in Seattle hosted by APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) on July 7, 2014. He joined the session “Understanding Linkage and Structural Issues in the Development of Financial Markets”, and introduced IIMA’s research of Volatility index in his speech.


Visit of Director of Ningbo International Investment Promotion Bureau

On June 26, 2014, the group headed by Mr. He Bo, Director of Ningbo International Investment Promotion Bureau, visited Mr. Watanabe, Managing Director of the IIMA. After Mr. Nakamura, Deputy General Manager and Senior Economist, made a presentation regarding “Japan Revitalization Strategy” of Abenomics and “National Strategic Special Zone (Tokyo area)”, we discussed the future development issues of the two countries, etc.

Professor Li Xiao of China’s Jilin University visited the IIMA

On May 8, 2014, the IIMA had a visit of four professors of Jilin University. Together with several economists from private and public sectors, we had a straightforward and in-depth discussion on the current financial reforms in China following Dr. Li’s presentation on the issue. A Japanese participant raised a question if errant implementation of reforms could have prevented China’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from receiving sufficient financial services while a Chinese professor expressed a concern on a slow progress of the implementation of the reform measures (the third pillar) of the Abenomics. We spent a longer time than planned with frank exchange of views.

Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi, a lead economist of the IIMA participated in the Rokko Forum, as a main lecturer.

Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi, a lead economist of the IIMA participated in the Rokko Forum hosted by the Graduate School of Economics of Kobe University, as a main lecturer. She made a presentation on “Sovereign Debt Crisis in the Euro-area” and exchanged views and opinions on the issue with the participating scholars.

Mr. Koji Sakuma, the chief economist of the IIMA, participated in an international conference on “The End of Double-Digit Growth” in January 2014

Mr. Koji Sakuma, the chief economist of the IIMA participated in an international conference held in Bangkok on 20th and 21st January 2014 on a slow growth and ageing of the Asian economy. He joined two sessions on the experience of high-income countries and policy coordination of the region, and exchanged views and opinions on the issues with other panelists.